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16/12/2021 - News
Proteins form functional networks, and so do people – the first PROTrEIN summer school
The first PROTrEIN annual meeting and summer school took place between the 10th and 23rd of September 2021. Here our ESRs Marc and Mostafa share their thoughts and memories about it.

14/12/2021 - Journal Club
How to choose a proper combination of search engines to maximize Peptide and Protein Identification?
In this Journal Club, our ESRs Zahra and Arslan present the article «Optimization of Search Engines and Postprocessing Approaches to Maximize Peptide and Protein Identification for High-Resolution Mass Data» by C. Tu et al. from Sep 2015

14/10/2021 - Journal Club
How can proteomics data become more reproducible?
In this Journal Club, our ESRs Louise and Shamil present the article «Strategies to enable large-scale proteomics for reproducible research» by R. Poulos et al. from July 2020