Computational mass spectrometry
Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen (EKUT)
About Kyowon
Kyowon Jeong is a PostDoc in the group of Oliver Kohlbacher. As a postdoctoral researcher, he has been working on computational mass spectrometry, particularly the computational analysis of intact proteins.
The Kohlbacher lab was established in the year 2000 and currently consists of three different groups at Universität Tübingen (Applied Bioinformatics), the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (Biomolecular Interactions), and the University Hospital Tübingen (Translational Bioinformatics) working in different areas of bioinformatics and medical informatics. The Chair for Applied Bioinformatics at Universität Tübingen focuses on research in the analysis of omics data (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics), structural bioinformatics, and computational immunomics. The team works closely with experimental labs developing and applying novel methods and algorithms to solve problems in the life sciences. Besides, the lab has a long history of providing high-quality research software.