Hosting Institutions

The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB)

Martinsried, Germany.


The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) belongs to the Max Planck Society (headquarter in Munich) an independent, non-profit research organization dedicated to top-level basic research. Researchers at the MPS hold a total of far over 100 ERC grants, thereof more than 50 Advanced, 66 Starting, and 2 Synergy Grants. There are more than 80 Max Planck Institutes worldwide, 30 belong to the Biology and Medical Section. The MPIB in Munich-Martinsried is part of the local life-science-campus, where 2 Max Planck Institutes, a Helmholtz Center, the Gene-Center, several bio-medical faculties of 2 Munich universities, and several biotech-companies are close for optimal knowledge exchange.
