Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Barcelona, Spain.
The CRG is a first-class multidisciplinary and international research centre. It is ranked as 2nd in Spain SCImago Institutions Rankings for its research, innovation, and societal influence in the health field. CRG is also one of only 9 life-science research centres in Spain awarded a highly-competitive ‘Severo Ochoa’ grant of excellence (2017-2021). Organized in 4 research programmes (31 group leaders, of which half hold an ERC grant): (i) Systems Biology, (ii) Bioinformatics and Genomics, (iii) Gene Regulation, Stem Cells and Cancer and (iv) Cell and Developmental Biology. More than 60% of the research staff is non-Spanish (with 39 nationalities represented).
The CRG has an international Ph.D. programme and a Postdoc fellowship (co-funded by the EC). In 2013, the CRG was awarded the HR Excellence logo by the EC to recognize the institute´s commitment to improving human resources policies for researchers. CRG has been growing its expertise in ITN since previous funding programmes. In H2020 it has been involved in 8 ETN projects, coordinating 4 of them (OPATHY, DivIDE, ChromDesign, PROTrEIN).